Do you want to learn everything about there is to know about Google AdSense?
This is your AdSense A-Z guide.
Before getting into the world of Professional Blogging, I started
looking for recurring income opportunities from blogging. Out of all the
ad networks I read about and used, Google AdSense worked out to be the best monetization technique (after affiliate marketing).
Update: Our AdSense training course (with detailed videos) is now live over here.
I started using Google AdSense in Feb 2009 and since then, I have earned about $41,000(INR 25 Lakhs).
Here is the latest screenshot from my AdSense iOS app:
This page is your one-stop destination for learning everything there is to know about AdSense.
You will learn the basics like how to create an AdSense account & you will learn advanced tips on how to earn more from AdSense.
Beginner’s Guide to AdSense
I have tried to add as much information & various AdSense tips and tricks as possible which users can implement to significantly increase their revenue.
AdSense Income Proof
One thing I would like say: AdSense is very strict about their policies, so make sure you read the official AdSense guide to learn about the best practices for monetizing with AdSense.
Getting Started:
Why Google AdSense?
How To Create AdSense Account
Google AdSense Account Approval Process
Adsense TOS: Things to follow and keep in mind
Maximum Allowed AdSense Units On A Single Page
AdSense Revenue Share Revealed
What is CTR in Google AdSense?
How Does Google AdSense Pay in India?
Increasing AdSense Income:
AdSense Heat-Map: The AdSense placement guide
Tips To Increase AdSense Revenue
Ways To Increase Adsense CPC
How To Set Up Google ‘AdSense for Search’ To Open Page In Your Blog
50 Ways To Boost AdSense Revenue
Discussion and Reviews:
AdSense or Affiliate: Which one to use?
Google AdSense On New Blog
Why Business Websites Should Not Use AdSense
Various AdSense Topics:
Google AdSense serving has been disabled on your account [Solution]
How To A/B Test AdSense Ad Unit From Dashboard
How Much Money Can One Earn From AdSense?
AdSense Tools and Trackers:
AdSense Chrome Extension
Official AdSense WordPress Plugin
Best AdSense Optimized WordPress Themes
Advanced Topics:
How To Earn $50/click From AdSense – (Pro Tip)
Complete Blueprint To Creating A Micro-Niche Site For AdSense
I will keep updating this AdSense guide with various tips and useful posts as they come in.
If you’re in need of any particular tutorial on Google AdSense, do let me know
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